Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What Greater Love on Valentine's Day

How beautiful is the splendour of love that is revealed in the communion of hearts! How beautiful is to be all together as family,
contemplating the luminous power of love?

The fire of love of the Heart of Jesus will always be the remedy to our coldness and selfishness. St. Mathew tells us in his gospel chapter 24, that in the passing of time, love in most men will grow cold. Jesus told St. Margaret that the revelation of his heart was the last effort of his love in this last times, to warm a world that has grown cold. To St. Faustina, the Merciful Heart told her that he was offering to a cold world a last refuge, the mercy of his heart. I believe that in our time the hearts of men have grown cold, selfishness is ruling and
violence is becoming a common way of life. Men have forgotten the meaning of love. That is why, the Lord is offering his sacred, merciful and Eucharistic Heart to our generation. He wants to change our hearts, so a new civilization can begin, a civilization in which loves triumphs over evil.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart fosters the reign of love of the Eucharistic Heart in our hearts
St. Maximilian: "This truth must be inscribed in the hearts of all mankind, those who are living now and in those who will live until the end of all times. The Immaculate must be introduced to the hearts of men, and so enable Her to raise the throne of her Son in them, and draw all mankind to the knowledge of Him and inflame them with love for the Most Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus".

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Novena Feb 6th- Feb 14th

Novena Especially Dedicated to The Two Hearts for Valentine's Day

SOLT Holy Family Ecclesial Team Formation Training Center
St. Valentine's Day Novena
February 6th to 14th

“For this is the message
That you have heard
From the beginning:
We shall love one another.”
1 John 3:11

Who are we?

We are priests, deacons, religious (sisters and brothers) and lay members of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) living, serving and being formed at the Holy Family Ecclesial Team Formation Center in Robstown, Texas.

At the Holy Family Center, persons in formation come together to learn how to work, minister and pray with one another for six months before being sent into one of SOLT’s 40 missions throughout the world.

Why this novena?

Just as we have done these past five years, we are happy to offer you this St.Valentine’s Novena. During the novena, we will offer your intentions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We will be praying for you and your intentions at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, during daily Eucharistic Adoration and other daily prayers (including the most holy rosary) for these nine days.

What to do now?

Please list your intentions and contact details by February 5, 2007 to:
Holy Family Ecclesial Team Formation Center
700 West Avenue
DRobstown TX 78380 USA.
Telephones: Center No. - 361 767 0791

Thank you and God bless you,

Fr. Michael E. Jordan, SOLT
Holy Family Center Priest Servant